Ridding Your Home of Flying Pests
From common flies to birds and bees, flying pests are incredibly frustrating to deal with in your home or business. That’s why, in addition to crawling pest removal, Bug Boss also provides a variety of services designed to keep your environment free from flying insects, birds, and more.

Termites: These ant-like flying insects are notorious for wreaking havoc on homes in the Jersey City area by feeding on wood. Flourishing in humid climates, termites often nest in residential and commercial structures, posing a serious threat to wooden surfaces and structural components.

Flies: Spanning a wide array of species, including the housefly, gnat, midge, mosquito, and tsetse fly, flies come with various implications for humans and agriculture. While some, such as the horsefly and mosquito, pose a direct threat to humans by feeding on blood, others act as disease carriers and contribute to crop devastation.

Gnats: These small insects, a subcategory of the true flies (Diptera), may be tiny, but they are equally vexing to have in homes and commercial properties when they appear in large swarms. Both biting and non-biting gnats are commonly found in local residences and establishments.

Bats: With over 11,000 species worldwide, bats are a prevalent issue for people throughout the US. Their strong attachment to their birthplaces often leads them to roost in local buildings and return multiple times throughout the year. With a lifespan of up to 30 years, bats have become a familiar sight along the East Coast.

Birds: These bipedal creatures thrive by feeding on a diverse range of resources, including both plants and other pests. Their year-round presence in homes and businesses can lead to infestations. Equipped with wings and lightweight hollow bones, these flying nuisances can be challenging to capture on your own, but the assistance of an animal control professional can easily rid your space of them.

Bees: Bees, part of the Apoidea superfamily, share a close kinship with wasps and ants. They play a vital ecological role as pollinators, facilitating flower reproduction. However, their presence indoors is unwelcome and may pose risks.

Crickets: Sharing a close kinship with grasshoppers, these distinctive insects are distinguished by their flattened bodies and elongated antennae. They are known for the characteristic chirping noises they produce by rubbing their wings together as a form of communication.

Wasps: This diverse category of insects encompasses sawflies, parasitic wasps, and stinging wasps (most common).
Take the first step in removing flying pests from your surroundings. Contact us now to arrange an appointment and kickstart your journey toward a pest-free space.